Friday, October 23, 2009


1) Lower LDL Cholesterol.

Can lower LD (”bad”) cholesterol by 40% in 16 weeks while increasing HDL (”good”) Cholesterol. This is due to Betacyanin, a phytohutient that promotes the breakdown of artery clogging triglycerides in the blood.

2) Motivation Boost.  Two nutrients, tyrosine and phenylalanine, synthesize dopmine, a neurochemical required for motivation and focus. A cup of beets contains 136 mcg of foliate(1/3 of daily requirement).

3) End of Tiredness. Beet fiber has been shown has been shown to rev the activity of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase, enzymes in the liver that break down and eliminate the fat-trapping toxins. Plus, beets are a great source of betamine, a phytonutient proven to slash levels of the inflammatory compounds C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 by 26 percent. This can ease symptoms of chronic inflmmation, including excess fat and constant fatigue.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vinegar is a Fat-Burning, Waist Shrinking, Cholesterol Lowering Superfood

In yesterday’s post, I introduced you to a study which showed that plain ole’ vinegar is effective in suppressing body fat accumulation.

More specifically, the researchers found that laboratory mice fed a high-fat diet and given acetic acid developed significantly less body fat (up to 10 percent less) than other mice.

I was so excited by this low-tech, inexpensive weight loss trick that I contacted the author of the study.

And to my surprise, he emailed an even more recent study which looks at the fat-burning effects of vinegar on actual human beings….no more mice studies.

The Science

In this study, researchers investigated the effects of vinegar intake on the reduction of body-fat mass in obese Japanese students.

The 175 students were randomly assigned to three groups of similar body-weight, BMI and waist circumference.

During the 12 week study, the participants ingested 500ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of apple vinegar (750 mg AcOH – acetic acid), 30 ml of vinegar (1500 mg AcOH) or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo).

In place of vinegar, the placebo group ingested 1250 mg of lactate.

To make them more palatable, all beverages contained the equal amount of flavor and artificial sweetener.

The Results

After only 4 weeks, the vinegar-group participants saw their body-weight, BMI and body-fat percentages improve. These improvements continued  in a dose dependent manner for the entire 12 weeks

Translation: more vinegar = more fat loss

In addition to BF, BMI and BF%, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, LDL cholesterol and serum TG (triglyceride) levels also fell (starting in week 8).

These results can be considered to be due to the body-fat loss because the VFA (visceral fat), SFA (subcutaneous fat) and TFA  (total fat) values were significantly lower in the vinegar groups than in the placebo group.

Does the vinegar make these "diet" chips?


15 ml (0.5 oz or 1 tbsp) of vinegar per day is enough to significantly improve your:

  • Body-Weight
  • BMI
  • Body-Fat Percentage
  • Waist Circumference
  • Waist-Hip ratio
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • Serum TG
  • Visceral Body-Fat, and
  • Subcutaneous Body-Fat

And considering that these health markers are associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome, perhaps it might be wise to consider adding a tbsp or two of vinegar to your daily diet.


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